Sunday, 5 January 2014

Chapter organisation

The orginasation of the Jaguar Warriors chapter is as far from the rules and guidelines set out by the codex astartes as possible, mainly due to the fact of the chapter smaller then normal size. The chapter itself barely numbers more then six-hundred space marines a quite significant amount less then what the codex astartes dictates as the norm. This however is not a draw back as the Jaguar Warriors squads, and general marines are vastly independent, in instances then chapter has helped sway battles by merely sending a squad or two worth of marines to the particular war zone. Due to the independence of each unit and small size the chapter is not split into companies as normal instead split into tribes of varying sizes from a mere fifty space marines to the largest nearing two-hundred, each tribe is led by a chaplain indirectly, the chaplains role is more to guide spiritually then in battle, and most tribes highest ranking sergeant is in charge. The leader of the chapter leads his own tribe as does the second in command. The chapters second in command is known as first sergeant or Chief Secondus. The chapter contain chaplains, librarians, apothecaries and tech-marines like normal however they are not split of from the rest of the chapter instead mix in with the various units within it. 

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