Saturday 7 June 2014

Chaplains and Rituals

The chaplains of the Jaguar Warriors hold rank within the chapter similar to what Captains would in another chapter. They often lead groups of Jaguar warriors into battle spurring them on with righteous prayer and mantra to smite the many enemies of the Imperium. The chaplains of the Jaguar Warriors do not hold a crozius arcanum as their badge of office, instead they have a special sacrificial blade, made from the claws of vicious jungle predators. The blade is curved and sickle like, they ways in which it it used against its enemies both in and out of battle are linked to the beliefs of the Jaguar Warriors. The Jaguar Warriors believe when someone dies they are either sent to hell or join the golden god in his fight in the afterlife, to fight alongside the golden god one must have his head, it is a grave insult if a Jaguar Warrior should ever be beheaded. The chaplains weapon is mostly used in non-combat situations, namely in sacrificial ceremonies. If those being sacrificed by the chaplain are deemed unworthy the chaplain will remove the unworthy sacrifices head with his sickle-blade, if they are deemed worthy and of use to the golden god in the afterlife the chaplain will instead use the pick-like to of the sickle-blade to hammer down on the top of the sacrifices skull into the brain, killing them but not removing their head, this way they are able to fight alongside the golden god in the afterlife.

Sunday 9 February 2014

The Battle That No-One Ever Saw Or Heared. Part 1.

"First-sergeant we have a non-imperial vessel in orbit of the planet before us, what should we do?" Asked the chapter serf operating the viewing screens on the command deck, of the strike cruiser Wrath of God. "We do what we always do to foul xenos, destroy them. Utterly!" Replied first-sergeant Matiki, his time not song long ago serving the Deathwatch had given him an especial hatred to xenos, especially those before him the Eldar, he found them without honour, steel or courage, a cowardly race of pointed-eared freaks of nature. The ones who he instantly recognised the vessel in front of him belonged to were the most degenerate of their race, the Dark Eldar. His particular hatred for them was due not only to the fact the Golden God had said this galaxy held no place for xenos but for what he had seen them do to his deathwatch brothers in arms, his whole squad murded by them, an ambush when they were searching ancient ruins on the behest of the Ordo-xenos, he was lucky to escape himself, his squad mates weren't so fortunate the deadly poisoned weaponry making a mockery of their gene-enhanced biological make-up, he only managed to retrieve one of his brothers, but when the apothecaries, back at Watch Fortress Erioch tried to recover the fallen brothers geneseed they found the Dark Eldar poisons had utterly destroyed it. 

"Gather me squads Katochi and Intaka and we shall make planet fall to discover what these bastards are upto" said Matiki his voice filled with hate and anger. Sergeants Katochi and Intaka readied their scouts before the hard gaze of Matiki, the scouts from squad Katochi readied their sniper rifles while those from Intaka's squad readied their bolters all bar Brother Ivik who readied a scout issue heavy bolter which he had loaded with deadly hellfire rounds. Once the squads were readied before him Matiki made his address. "Brothers, we have caught sight of a Dark Eldar vessel in anchor above the planet before us, I am sending you down to the planet to investigates there doings and whereabouts, do not engage unless completely necessary understood, observe and learn so that we may better take the fight to them later, now go your Storm Raven awaits you. For the fathers and the golden!" "For the fathers and the golden"' replied the scouts before making their way into the Storm Raven.

Monday 3 February 2014

Chapter Colours

The Jaguar Warriors chapter colours are blue, gold and green. The blue of their armour is on the helmet, chest, back back, arms above the elbows and legs above the knees. The gold is on the trim of the shoulder pads, arms below the elbow and legs below the knee. The green is only on the insets of the shoulder pads. 

Friday 17 January 2014

Battle for Tsua-Lakor

Ready they stood for the upcoming battle they waiting, inside the dense forest and atop ruined monuments to god best left unknown. Silently waiting the Jaguar Warriors Space Marines waited to make battle with the bastard xenos. The calming whine of anti-grav engines was heard off in the distance as the tau tanks and troops begun to take up positions in the ruins of what was once a human colony in ages past. The tau waited and set up themselves, if they weren't going to be lured into an ambush thought Chapter Master Montezuma, then we shall have to make them come out of hiding another way. On the cox he ordered the advance upon the enemy's left flank a squadron of Lanspeeders to first target and eliminate the tau artillery and then move to disrupt the entrenched tau forces further north. He looked back behind him at the squad joining him was under the command of sergeant, Impotaka and behind them further in the forest was ancient Matoki a contemptor dreadnought who continued to serve the chapter in his new metal form.

The trees rustled with silent vengence, the Jaguar Warriors using archeotech noise supression systems on their landspeeders to make the as quite as the void. Through the trees and past the beginnings of the ruined city, the landspeeders rushed onwards towards the Tau, they came upon the sight of a grav-tank and blasted the missile bearing tank to oblivion with promethium and melta blasts. On the right flank Chapter Master Montezuma and his acompanying squad of tactical marines reading themselves in the forest, and at the first sight of  kroot in the building before them, broke free from cover. As they did vast magnitudes of plasma fire assailed them bring many battle brothers low, a Riptide battle suit stood in the distance to oppose them, Montezuma and his remaining men pushed forwards again to reach the kroon who had now also opened fire upon them with deadly poisoned rounds that felled more battle brothers. Behind Montezuma, ancient Matoki turned his attention to the riptide and the two walker readied to make battle.

Montezuma and his men made their charge lunging up into the building with powerful jumps, some even punching through the floor to the surprise of the kroot. None could stay Montezuma's wrath and he dispatched no less the five of the xenos in the first swing of his thunder hammer and continued to slaughter them along with the squad joining him.

Down the centre of the battlefield ancient Matoki marched forwards to the riptide battlesuit assailing it with his storm bolter and kheres assault cannon, his in built augur array making every shot land. The xenos battlesuit fired back but couldn't get anything through his inbuilt power field. Down on the left flank the Landspeeders passed through the city and spies the riptide ahead of them, but to there surprise a battlesuit with the marking of a commander surrounded by all sorts of drones sprung up behind them and together with the tau snipers hiding in the building the just passed brought them low just as they got a salvo off on the riptide, critically damaging it. Matoki marches ever towards and damage the riptide further, but it was the scouts under the command of sergeant Impata that delivered the final blow, brother Kakan used his heavy bolter to lethal effect it hellfire rounds breaching the riptides defences and finishing the giant xenos creation once and for all in a fiery blast.

Matoki turned his attention west but was unable to move further onwards as he was crippled by the tau commander who had come up behind him after destroying the landspeeders. Montezuma however could not be stopped bursting through cover by himself as his men went and recovered the wounded and dead, he ran into the lines of tau gunmen slaughtering them with ease, chasing them down for the glory of the golden god. Behind him came another battlesuit which he quickly turned to raising his mighty shield to deflect every shot the battlesuit unleashed at him. In a burst of speed after the initial salvo from the battlesuit he quickly changed from his defensive stance and launched to assault the battlesuit who was to slow witted to escape, with a mighty swing of his thunder hammer he smashed the battlesuit in two across the middle.

The scout moved up provided cover for their allies as the tau begun to retreat realising the battle was lost, the cost of victory was steep, the Jaguar Warriors being a small chapter, 16 battle brothers had been lost of injured in the fighting, some were not to be recovered most likely disintegrated by tau plasma weaponry or in the fiery wreckage of the landspeeders demise. But victory was to the Jaguar Warriors, and Montezuma now had to make further plans to rid the tau from the planet.

Monday 6 January 2014


Apocalypto is the home world of the Jaguar Warriors Space Marine Chapter. It's classification is death world and is situated deep within the Veiled Reigon far outside the Imperiums borders. On the surface of the planet lives nothing, the planets close proximity to its star has turned the surface into a barren desert wasteland were no life can survive, Apocalypto's uniqueness lies underneath the surface. Underneath the crust of the planet run thousands upon thousands of giant tunnels, that due to the humidity created by the underwater lakes and rivers and the heat from the rock ontop of the tunnelsare full of verdant and lush rainforests. Some of these magnificent forests have been tuned into bile swamp in more recent times due to an attack upon the planet by a war host of Death Guard. The sheer size of the tunnels has created skyline of its own clouds form and can even produce rain to nourish the forests due to the size of the tunnels. The wildlife within these forest ranges from saurian beasts such as grow and megadons to giant birds of prey and massive spotted cats the size of a Space Marine Rhino called mega-jaguars from which the chapter inherits it's name.

Sunday 5 January 2014

Chapter organisation

The orginasation of the Jaguar Warriors chapter is as far from the rules and guidelines set out by the codex astartes as possible, mainly due to the fact of the chapter smaller then normal size. The chapter itself barely numbers more then six-hundred space marines a quite significant amount less then what the codex astartes dictates as the norm. This however is not a draw back as the Jaguar Warriors squads, and general marines are vastly independent, in instances then chapter has helped sway battles by merely sending a squad or two worth of marines to the particular war zone. Due to the independence of each unit and small size the chapter is not split into companies as normal instead split into tribes of varying sizes from a mere fifty space marines to the largest nearing two-hundred, each tribe is led by a chaplain indirectly, the chaplains role is more to guide spiritually then in battle, and most tribes highest ranking sergeant is in charge. The leader of the chapter leads his own tribe as does the second in command. The chapters second in command is known as first sergeant or Chief Secondus. The chapter contain chaplains, librarians, apothecaries and tech-marines like normal however they are not split of from the rest of the chapter instead mix in with the various units within it.